Product Overview
Key Features
Forbid 240SC is active on all stages of mites including mobile and immobile – eggs, nymphs, immobile nymphs and adults. Forbid 240SC is also active on most whitefly stages, but the juvenile forms (nymphs and pupal) are more susceptible. Forbid 240SC provides up to 30 days of residual control. Forbid 240SC is currently registered for two-spotted spider mite and whiteflies including sweet potato, silverleaf and greenhouse whiteflies in both greenhouse ornamental and greenhouse vegetables (tomato, cucumber, pepper).
Application Rates
// Two-spotted spider mite
// Whiteflies (including sweet potato, silverleaf and greenhouse whiteflies)
Greenhouse ornamentals
30 mL/100 L of water (0.03% solution)
Under high pest population pressure, reapply in 10-14 days. No more than 2 applications per crop cycle. Test for tolerance is recommended on a small-scale basis (Forbid 240SC has been extensively tested on and is safe to use on a wide variety of ornamentals. However, it is impossible to test for tolerance on all ornamental varieties. A tolerance test is therefore recommended.) Please read label for variety restrictions.
// Two-spotted spider mite
// Whiteflies (including sweet potato, silverleaf and greenhouse whiteflies)
Greenhouse vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers)
30-50 mL/100 L of water (0.03-0.05% solution)
Avoid applying under stress conditions such as drought, high temperature. Forbid 240SC will not knock down adult whitefly populations.
// Two-spotted spider mite
// Whiteflies (including sweet potato, silverleaf and greenhouse whiteflies)
// Broad mites
Ornamental plants, flowers and foliage plants (please refer to label)
30 mL/100 L of water (0.03% solution)
Apply with ground equipment & ensure thorough coverage of all leaf surfaces. An adjuvant may be used to improve coverage on hard-to-wet foliage. For best results the treatment should be made when the whitefly or mite population begins to build and before a damaging population becomes established. Forbid 240SC will not knock down adult whitefly populations. Apply at egg and nymphal stages.
Use & Safety
Application rates and delivery
// Active Ingredient spiromesifen 240 g/L// Group group 23 insecticide
// Formulation suspension
// Packaging case = 8 x 500 mL
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