Product Overview
Key Features
• Can be used in conjunction with IPM programs including many beneficials
• Greenhouse ornamentals, outdoor ornamentals and Christmas trees
• Greenhouse vegetables including tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce
• Compatible with many beneficials
• New, unique insecticide from butenolide class of chemistry
• Systemic and translaminar protection of existing and new plant growth
• Control of many sucking pests including whiteflies, aphids and leafhoppers
Application Rates
// Foliar Application Rates
Greenhouse Vegetables, Ornamentals, Outdoor Nursery and Landscape Ornamentals
Greenhouse tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and lettuce. Greenhouse Ornamentals. Outdoor and Nursery Ornamentals including Flowers, Foliage Plants, Shrubs, Trees and Groundcover
Aphids and Leafhoppers 500 - 700 mL/ha (5 - 7.5 mL/100m2)
Whiteflies 750 - 1000 mL/ha (7.5 - 10 mL/100m2)
// Drench Application Rates
Greenhouse Vegetables and Ornamentals
Aphids and Leafhoppers 750 - 1000 mL/ha (7.5 - 10 mL/100m2)
Whiteflies 1500 - 2000 mL/ha (15 - 20 mL/100m2)
Best Practices
// Foliar Application Methods
• Monitor crops and commence applications once local thresholds are reached
• Thorough, uniform coverage of the crop is required for optimum control
• Use the higher rates for higher pest infestation levels
• Minimum water volume is 500 L/ha. Use appropriate spray volume for adequate crop foliage spray coverage. Spray crop to wet not to drip
• Repeat applications may be made if necessary, providing the maximum amount of 2000 mL/ha (400 g ai/ha) per year is not exceeded
• Minimum interval between applications: 7 days for all crops except pepper, which is 10 days
• PHI for greenhouse vegetables: 1 day for cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce; 3 days for peppers
// Drench Application Methods
• Monitor crops and commence applications once local thresholds are reached
• Use the higher rates for higher pest infestation levels
• To assure optimum effectiveness, the product must be placed where the roots of the plant can absorb the active ingredient. Application to soil or soilless media should be made with sufficient water to ensure incorporation into the root zone
• PHI for greenhouse vegetables: 1 day for cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce; 3 days for peppers
• Reapply only when monitoring indicates it is necessary, at a minimum interval of 7 days for tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and ornamentals and 10 days for peppers
• For drench applications to plants grown in soil or soilless media, follow with moderate irrigation. Irrigate carefully within the next 10 days in order to avoid loss of active ingredient due to leaching
Use & Safety
Application rates and delivery
// Active Ingredient flupyradifurone 200 g/L// IRAC Group 4D
// Reg Number 33176
// Signal Word caution
// Formulation soluble liquid
// REI 12 hours
// Packaging case = 8 x 2 L
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