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Product Overview

Resistance management for Pythium diseases. Reliable Pythium control is essential for successful turfgrass management. Pythium can cause blight, seedling damping-off, and root rot.

Key Features

Controls all Pythium diseases in turf, ornamentals and landscape.
No documented field resistance development for over 20 years of commercial use.

Application Rates

Apply Banol as part of an integrated management program on greens, tees or fairways. Apply when conditions are favourable for disease on a 7-21 day interval. Apply Banol in 8-20 litres of water per 100 m2 for both preventive and curative applications.

Best Practices

• Use in the summer for Pythium blight control.
• Apply during overseeding to control Pythium damping-off on seedlings.
• Controls Pythium resistant to mefenoxam.
• Use as a rotation partner to delay resistance development for other fungicides including mefenoxam, cyazofamid, fluopicolide and QoIs.

Use & Safety

When to use

June July August September

Where to use


Application rates and delivery

  • Active Ingredients // propamocarb hydrochloride (66.5%); equivalent to 722 g propamocarb HCl per litre
  • FRAC Code // 28 (carbamate)
  • Systemicity // acropetal penetrant
  • Formulation // soluble liquid
  • Signal Word // danger

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