Envu Solutions – Dollar Spot

Dollar spot, caused by pathogens in the genus Clarireedia, is a widespread and very destructive turfgrass disease that occurs throughout the golf season in Canada. Dollar spot attacks most turfgrass species including annual bluegrass, bentgrasses, fescues, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass.

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The pathogen responsible for dollar spot was previously classified as Sclerotinia homoeocarpa but has now been reclassified into four separate Clarireedia species, of which, C. jacksonii is likely the predominant species in Canada.

Envu Solutions - Dollar Spot

No matter what kind of turf problems you’re up against, Envu has a full range of solutions to help you take control and maintain it.

For more information about dollar spot, download the solution sheet or contact your local Territory Sales Manager for dollar spot control strategies specific to your needs.

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