Envu Solutions – Brown Patch

Brown patch can be a severe foliar disease of almost every cool-season turfgrass grown for putting greens, fairways, tees, and roughs. This disease is caused by the soil-borne fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. Rhizoctonia diseases are perhaps the most widely recognized plant-pathogenic species across the globe and incites diseases on a wide host range including agricultural crops, trees, ornamental plants, and turfgrasses. The most susceptible grasses to infection include the bentgrasses, fescues, ryegrasses, and low-mown bluegrasses.

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Envu Solutions – Brown Patch

No matter what kind of turf problems you’re up against, Envu has a full range of solutions to help you take control and maintain it.

For more information about brown patch, download the solution sheet or contact your local Territory Sales Manager for brown patch control strategies specific to your needs.

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